Young generation is always considered as an asset of a country and a family s well. They are future builders and present representatives. Whether it is a matter of a family, parents adore their young children; they dream a lot of fulfilling all what they could not achieve in their young age. They try their best to make them happy just to get happiness from them in their old age. A part from a family if I talk on a broader level, youth is the sole representative of their society and country, their character, education, hard work, everything they do on a small scale or large one they depict their upbringing. When I was in school, I used to hear a statement from teacher for ill-mannered children was, “does this kind of behavior you have learnt from your parents”. I realized whatever we do we represent what we have learn from our family, and internationally what we do we represent our cultural values and country’s youth. Globally, our youth; except few ones, is goin...